Monday, November 7

Oreo vs. Borios

Snip Snap Needs some Milk with That.
Out of all the things sweet, cookies are my favorite treats eat. So guess what kind of product is being counterfeited now? (Answer: What do you think?) Oreos, one of America’s Top Selling cookies, was a target of counterfeiters who dubbed their product “Borios”. (History Time!) The Oreo was developed and produced in 1912 by a company called Nabisco in New York City. I “Googled” the terms “fake cookies” and found that “Borios” first started selling in China around the year 2003.

So what’s next? (I think I know!) Introducing “Cringles”, the cheaper yet “Better” version of Pringles. (Umm, I think the fun JUST STOPPED.) I’m just kidding, but it is a bit shocking to see a cookie OF ALL THINGS being counterfeited. Most counterfeiters replicate shoes, clothing, or jewelry, but a COOKIE? (Back to the Borios.) I wonder if “Borio” branded cookies even taste good? Maybe they taste BETTER than Oreos AND they grant wishes for each cookie eaten. (Cricket, Cricket and there goes the Tumbleweed.) Borios tasting “Better” than Oreos is about as true as the company that invented them. (But what about the WISHES???) Listen to the names “Borios” and “Oreos”, don’t you think it’s kind of funny that both names rhyme like that? (Remember my Cringles example?) Even if the names rhyming are a coincidence, look at the logos from each brand. (Umm, what’s wrong?) Borios and Oreos have the same distinctive blue and white lettering for their logos and that CAN’T be a "coincidence". This makes me WISH that SOMEBODY could catch these counterfeiters. (I guess I ate a BORIO!!!)

The USDA has a pretty good record when it comes to managing knockoff products from other countries, but the full extent of the problem is STILL unknown. (Dom, Dom, DOMMM!!!) There could be hundreds or even thousands of other foods being counterfeited. (Umm, are my crackers real?) In fact, USDA has confiscated plenty of knockoff food/beverage products of major food brands like Frito Lay, Kraft, and Kelloggs just to name a few. (Spoiler Alert!) In a future story, I actually report on on counterfeit Coca Cola products. (When will they STOPPP?!!!) This whole “Borio Incident” is a good reminder that ALL imported products, including foods, can’t always be trusted. (That’s an UNDERSTATEMENT!) Let’s hope that USDA keeps up enforcement on ALL COUNTERFIETS including foods/beverages.

Monday, October 31

Playstation BS!

Mr. Snuggles Wants A Turn!!!
BREAKING NEWS: Nintendo struck a deal multi-million dollar deal with Sony to merge the Nintendo DS with Playstation. (Wait a minute, are you serious?) The picture above is a “Sneak Peek” of what’s to come. Yeah right, this is funny to say the least. Sony merging its gaming console, Playstation, with Nintendo’s DS is like mixing strawberry yogurt with onions for a light-snack. (Gross to the 10th Level!!!) Even if both companies came to a join decision to release something, would it actually look like this? (Umm, I’d hope NOT.)

This “Sneak Peek” photo is nothing more than a picture of two Generic Playstation Controller-Wannabes hooked up to a Nintendo DS Reject. (Ouch.) Yes I said it, and I’m also saying, “GET THIS CRAP OUTTA HERE!!!”  But you know, it wouldn’t be too much of a surprised if Nintendo did try something like this. (Game Nerd Alert!!!) If you didn’t already know, times are changing for Nintendo; it’s dominance over portable gaming has eroded tremendously due to smart-phones and tablet devices that offer on-the-go games and other entertainment, including social networking. Nintendo’s reign has also plummeted due to concerns that some of its consoles have caused headaches, eye strain and dizziness. (Random question coming!!!) Wave of the future OR Wave of deception? (Answer: I’ll choose later.) For now, let’s play a little game I like to call “What If?”.

WHAT IF Playstation and DS merged? Hmm let’s see, they already have the prototype, but now they need a name. (Bing!) I think I’ve got it. They would call this system the Playstation DS. (Wow, I want one NOW!!!) As an added bonus and limited time only, when you buy the console they’ll give you a choice of “Madden NFL vs. NBA 2020: Wave of the Future” OR “Call of Duty Medal of Honor 4: Wave of Deception”. (Now to choose.) Mmm this sure is a toughie, but I think I’ll choose “Wave of the Future”. (Umm, why???) Despite this being an OBVIOUS FAKE, I could actually see Nintendo offering useless accessories like controllers and extra cords for its portable gaming systems in a desperate attempt to reclaim its throne. So this “Playstation DS” just might be the “Wave of the Future”.

Monday, October 24

Fake Starbucks Coffee Cafe

Dust Mite never got his Cappuccino :(
I’m feeling Lucky! (Google please DON’T sue!) I just had a delicious cup of joe from Lucky Coffee. (Umm, what’s that?) Don’t tell me you don’t know what “Lucky Coffee” is. You know, the coffee place that charges (an outrageous) 3 or 4 dollars a cup for coffee. (Ouch!!!) But, the price is usually worth it because of the “ritzy atmosphere” along with a morning boost of caffine. (Umm???) Lucky Coffee sounds a lot like another company that does the exact same thing. (Starbucks!)

This is the very first time I’ve ran across an ENTIRE COMPANY instead of a product a company sells being imitated. (What’s next???) Lucky Coffee didn’t copy Starbuck’s signature, “Frappuccino” or its award winning “Expresso Beverages”, this company copied Starbucks itself. (UNBELIEVABLE when you think about it.) The man in the picture (, I HAPPILY named Lin,) looks mad because he’s sick of the knockoff coffee, “In New York they had the real deal, what happened??!!” Well Lin, the old saying goes, “If it smells like a duck, looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, then it must be a duck right”? WRONG!!! It’s a cow.

(Good News!!!) In a recent case, the Starbucks won a case against a Chinese company which opened a chain of coffee shops under the name Xingbake. (Uhh, what’s a “Xingbake”???) Xingbake, like Lucky Coffee, was imitating the Starbuck’s brand and image. (Another One???) In fact, the name “Xingbake” itself actually meant Starbucks in Chinese. A Shanghai court ruled that the Xingbake engaged in "illegitimate competition" by infringing the copyright of Starbucks and ordered it to pay compensation of £36,000. (About time, GEEZ!!!) So Lucky Coffee, you better watch out! Who knows, maybe this coffee is just as good or even better than Starbucks, OR MAYBE Starbucks ACTUALLY stole their design. (Cricket, Cricket and there goes the Tumbleweed.) Not likely. When will people STOP stealing ideas from others??!! (Answer: Not anytime soon.)